Project Description

Daniel González D.G. Clothes Project
Buy or Die

curated by Gea Politi
December 16th, 2004 7pm
Play Gallery for Still and Motion Pictures, Berlin

The Buy or Die Scultpure Clothes Collection arose from a metropolitan primal scream: activist fashion, shooting in striking colours and prints, freehand seam drawings, cotton, in plush and silk performed. I want rebellion like art-fashion – with unique clothes, telling stories like an expanded painting. The collection is meant to be a Revolution of Beauty – filled with dreams and sex appeal, feminine and independent.
Turing the catwalk, every girl who is interested in modelling can come, dress up and walk through the red carpet. We are all eager to do it here in the gallery!

Photo credits: Regina Geisler Make-up: Uslu Airline

Visit the D.G. Clothes Project website